Thursday, March 1, 2012

David Perron Shows Off NEW Reebok 20k Stick

St. Louis Blues forward David Perron tweeted a picture of the new stick, that was not even in the 2012 catalogue. This means that the 20k won't likely be released until fall 2012, like the A.I. 9 , Bauer APX and Easton RS.

Here is the link to Perron's tweet. And here is the picture.

The 20k seems to be mirroring the look of the Easton RS and Bauer Nexus sticks with their mainly black graphics. Hopefully, the specs on this stick will be released shortly.

The new 20k stick raises Reebok stock in my eyes. Their skates and sticks have progressively gotten more and more of my attention. When the company ditched the RBK logo and went to "Reebok," they made a real stride in the right direction. Now it seems their helmets are the last of their equipment to be of the "ugly" variety.

What do you guys think of the new 20k looks?
Comment below to give us your opinion.

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  1. is perron sponsored by reebok

  2. Yeah, Perron is sponsored by Reebok. Thanks for commenting !

  3. i need this stick how much will it be 220+??

  4. Most likely will be in the $209.99 to $229.99 price range.

    I am leaning towards around 209.99 as that is the price point for the 11k stick.

    1. Really? 209.99-229.99? I am currently paying 269.99 for 11k's.

    2. $209.99-$229.99 American . Maybe Currency differences are the reason for the dfference?

  5. the 11ks are 209.99 now which means the 20k will likely be released near the end of the year/start of next season


What do YOU think?